Protecting Our Trans Siblings

by Alex Millard

Alex is the Communications & Events Coordinator at PACDC


Everyone deserves to feel safe and supported in their community, but transgender children and adults are under attack in the United States.

In Texas, officials have initiated child abuse investigations into parents allowing their children to receive gender-affirming care. In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis passed a “don’t say gay” law that forbids discussing gender and sexual identity in primary schools. Proud Boys and other hate groups, have targeted Pride events and drag queen story hours for children across the country.

This is not just a problem affecting southern states. 54% of trans youth in Pennsylvania have seriously considered suicide. Conservative politicians and media personalities argue about pronouns and bathrooms, while kids die.

Organizations like The Trevor Project provide crisis support for LGBTQIA youth. Comprehensive healthcare, including mental health care is something we all need, especially if we want to keep our kids safe. The National Center for Transgender Equality work so that trans and intersex youth can play sports with their friends.

PACDC believes all kids and adults have the right to safety and to be who they are.


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